Violence Behavior : A Case Study of Quarrel's Vocational Student in Bangkok
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This reseach intended to explore the psychological factors, family and community, students' association with mischievous friends and the relationships between the popular use of violence in the instituion and violence behavior. In addition, the comparative studies on violence behavior during quarrels among 400 private and public vocational students were done to anlayze data with the Distribution of frequency, Percentage, Mathematical mean, Standard deviation, including the Independent t-test and the Hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
The research findings derived from the analysis on the popular use of violence in the institutions revealed that factors relating and predicting violence behavior were psychological and association with mischievous friends. These 2 factos related directly and indirectly with the violence behavior. As for family and community factos, the findings revealed the severity of violence. Nonetheless, the analysis engaging the popular use of violence in the institution indicated that family and comunity related indirectly, but not directly with the severity of violence. All 3 factors could predict the severity of violence from the case study by quarrel's vocational students in both private and public sectors indicated p value 0.58 (higher than 0.05). Then, the differences in violence behavior were unfounded between the public vocational institutions (= 2.73) and private vocational institutions (= 2.78).
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