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วีนันท์กานต์ รุจิภักดิ์
สัญญพงศ์ ลิ่มประเสริฐ


This research is conducted qualitatively for studying the forms of the public network participation in preventing special cases of crime, including the factors affecting the motivation of participation, problems and obstacles in proceeding as well as the guideline for developing the precedure of the public network participation in preventing special cases of crime to be more effective. The study group is consisted of the leaders of the public network participation in preventing special cases of crime in Bangkok and other provinces which are lopburi, Phetchaburi, Samutsakorn, Phetchabun, Phitsanulokk, Sa-kaeo, Songkhla, Tak and Ratchaburi. The in-depth interview is applied for data collection in which there are 15 participants in total; the samples are further classified into 10 focus groups while there are 3-5 interviewees in each focus group. The result of the study identifiles the factors influencing the participation in the public network participation in preventing special cases of crime as 1) Safety: demanding the society to be safe from crimes and wickedness, 2) Positive perception: receviving the useful information on the procedure of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and the role/duty of public network towards the crime, 3) Experience on public network: having participated in public network under other organizations before which helps in understanding the procedure and 4) Image of the organization : a sector of the public network is confident in the organization and its procedure, in this case, the DSI. The forms of the public network participation in preventing special cases of crime can be concluded into 2 issues as follows: 1) Participation in preventive method: participating in monitoring or keeping a close look for the crime that might be occurred in the society by applying the society control system in order to take a good care of and protect the members of families, societies, and the people, 2) Participation in subjugation method: when a crime occurs in the society which is a special case, the public network will report any data or cases to the DSI in order to arrest the criminals and collect the primary evidence as much as possible. The recommendation from the study states that the participation of the public and government agencies in preventing the crime should be co-operated and raises the awareness of the pople with the society to create peaceful and safe environment for the society together with supporting the government in terms of information network.

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How to Cite
รุจิภักดิ์ ว., & ลิ่มประเสริฐ ส. (2015). เครือข่ายภาคประชาชนกับการมีส่วนร่วมในการป้องกันอาชญากรรมคดีพิเศษ. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(1), 41–65. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246372
Research Articles


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