การมีส่วนร่วมของอาสาสมัครคุมประพฤติในการแก้ไขฟื้นฟูผู้กระทำผิดในชุมชนในสังกัดสำนักงานคุมประพฤติภาค 7

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ธารินี แสงสว่าง


The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the participation levels of volunteer probation officers in the community-based offenders rehabilitation services of the Probation Office Region 7, (2) investigate the relationship between basic attribute factors of volunteer probation officers and their participation in the community-based offenders rehabilitation services of the Probation Officer Region 7, (3) compare the participation levels of volunteer probation officers in the community-based offenders rehabilitation services of the Probation Office Region 7 classified by area, (4) recommend appropriate guidelines to enhance the participation of volunteer probation officers in the community-based offenders rehabilitation services of the Probation Office Region 7.

The study was a survey research. Population of 1,235 comprised 1,212 volunteer probation officers in the community-based offenders rehabilitation services of the Probation Office Region 7, all 23 executives and officials of provincial probation officers under the Probation Office Region 7. Samples of 324 included 301 volunteer probation officers obtained via Taro Yamane calculation with accidental random sampling, and 23 executives and officials. Instrument used were questionnaire and interview forms. Statistical tools employed were frequency, percentage, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The results of the study were as follows: (1) the volunteer probation officers, in general, had high level of participation, with highest mean on decision-making aspect (2) basic attribute factors had positive relations with volunteer participation at 0.05 level of statistical significance, with capacity factor the highest correlation, (3) when compared the participation, the study revealed that the volunter probation officers of Phetchburi Probation Office had the highest level of participation, while volunteer probation officers of Suphanburi Probation Officer had the lowest leel of participation, (4) major recommendations were the Department of Probation should increase the capacity of volunteer probation officers through development program to enable them to work together with the official in analyzing offender's problems, encourage their praticipation in drawing up the action plan by assigning them to work as project managers f community-based offenders rehabilitation activities, support sufficient budget and equipment, and enable them to manage their own volunteer coordinating centers.

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How to Cite
แสงสว่าง ธ. (2015). การมีส่วนร่วมของอาสาสมัครคุมประพฤติในการแก้ไขฟื้นฟูผู้กระทำผิดในชุมชนในสังกัดสำนักงานคุมประพฤติภาค 7. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(1), 87–104. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246374
Research Articles


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