The compromise agreement for medical dispute resolution

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Boonsak Hanterdsith
Nattasat Sitthichai


Process of medical care may cause medical errors whether from medical process itself or personal mistake which may be preventable damage or not (force majeure). Whenever the medical errors occur and cause any damage, the medical personals should know how to reduce the damage properly and must identify the cause of errors to prevent recurrence simultaneously. Dealing with medical errors aims to explain the errors, make understanding to those who have been damaged and resolve medical dispute shortly. Recently, the resolution for medical disputes out of court trial which is used effectively and benefinially to all parties is mediation with making a compromise agreement. The compromise agreement can settle the conflicts for both civil and criminal offenses against a person when an agreement is required by law and follow the Supreme Court judgement.

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How to Cite
Hanterdsith, B., & Sitthichai, N. (2015). The compromise agreement for medical dispute resolution. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(2), 1–18. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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