The Power of Judicial Review by the Constitutional Court. According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2550 for the preparation of the constitution The future.

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สิทธิกร ศักดิ์แสง


The principles and concepts of judicial review have been conducting in order to harmonise the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand since B.E. 2475 in Thailand, under governing by many organisations such as the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. After the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2540 has been implemented, the power of judicil review was belonged to the Constitution Court. However, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.e. 2550 have been laying vital roles in processing to entitle citizens to propose the issue involving to the power of judicial review to the Constitutional Court and it will be included the content and procedure of law. It could be said that its prinicples are the finest rules in the constitution to defend in freedom of citizen rights. THerefore, the principles of the Constituion of the Kingdom of Thailand. B.E. 2550 should be applied for the future.

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How to Cite
ศักดิ์แสง ส. (2015). The Power of Judicial Review by the Constitutional Court. According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2550 for the preparation of the constitution The future. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(2), 19–42. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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