The Measure of Collaborative in Public Administration Participation For Drugs Prevention Case Study : Suratthani Province

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อัคคกร ไชยพงษ์


The study of Measuer in Bolaborative Public Administration Participation for Drugs Prevention, Case Study: Suratthani Provice. The purposes of this study aims to study the problems for using for legal measure and social measure for promoting the people's participation on drugs suppression and prevention by giving an information and Suratthani province and The Establishment of measure for pursuing the people in Suratthani province to participate to inform an information for drugs suppression and prevention to be more than the past. The methods and techniques of this study are qualitative methodology and quantitative methodology. The qualitative methodology by employed by documentary research and interview to the respondents by consist of 2 groups as follows 1) The experts group 2) The leaders of community. For the quantitative methodology be employed the question nation to the respondent by consist of 2 groups as follows 1) The Drug Prevention Networking Volunteers. This study found out that The Memasure of collaborative in public Administration Participation for Drugs Prevention, Case Study : Suratthani Province as follows : The people's participation for Drugs Prevention, Case Study : Suratthani Province as follows : The people's participation in Public Administration Participation must be in consulting level by giving an information, facts and opinion for drugs prevention. The establishment of information consideration comittee for consideration an information whcih the people give about Drugs Wrongdoer by review the right or wrong information which based on the Good Governance principle. A giving some money  and protect a person who gives an information and family and making a confidence to a person who giving a will to a person who gives an information dealing with Drugs Wrongdoer i.e. Order of Rime Minister Office For Paying a bribe and award in Drugs Case B.E.2537. The establishment of special law for protection and giving a who gives an information dealing with drugs more than the present and motivate the people to collaborative in public administration participation fro drugs suppression and prevention in Suratthani Province and making the confidence to a person who gives an information the drugs wrongdoer more than the present is to be a measure to motivate and making a confidence to that person. If that person gets any impact the right and will which receive can remedy that person owing to give an information dealing with drugs. The giving an information dealing with drugs to officer by telephone is the most suitatble, safety and economy. A person who gives an information must to have a relation with the officer before giving an information. Because if that person has not a relation, It may not to safe for that person. Also the secret information or name may be revealed which lead to be not safety later. Owning to the people are lacking of knowledge of witness in Criminal Case Protection Law B.E. 2546.

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How to Cite
ไชยพงษ์ อ. . (2015). The Measure of Collaborative in Public Administration Participation For Drugs Prevention Case Study : Suratthani Province. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(2), 67–77. Retrieved from
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