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กรกฎ ทองขะโชค
ปาริฉัตร ตู้ดำ
ธีรพร ทองขะโชค
มูหำหมัด สาแลบิง


Research on public confidence in the Southern Border Provinces Judicial System: Pre-Prosecution Justice in the Mainstream and Special Enforcement has the objective of studying the level of confidence of people in the southern border provinces towards justice administration in order to development of the agency's service, resulting in greater confidence of people towards the operation of justice administration

This study is a mixed method research which combines qualitative and quantitaive research. Regarding the results of the research. Regarding the results of the research as pertains to the level of public confidence of the smples gathered towards the justice administration prior to a lawsuit in the mainstream judicial procedure, it was discovered that the overall confidence was at a moderate level. When considering each area of the procedure, it was found that confidence in the justice administration could be sorted from high to low as follows: setting up of checkpoints, investigation, control, blockade for searching, arrest, gathering of evidence, prevention of tumultuous situations and questioning.

The development of justice and remeidal efficiency can ve done through the improvement of law, the integration of justice systems in accordance with the identity of Islam and the way of life of Muslims, the offer of help to people so that they understand Thai law as well as the enhancement of community justice and alternative justice based on the community's power and the people's participation. As for the policy and practical recommendations based on the principle of the rule of law regarding the bringing of suspects to enter the process of special law and mainstream law, the authority should make sure that every step i s transparent and varifiable, and that people are allowed to check the accuracy of the process. It is recommended that the authority improve the system and the mechanisms of the security organization so that it becomes more transparent. Information and news should be properly disclosed so that people can access the data easily. The military agency should establish a control center. The questioning of children and young people should be separate from adults. Aslo, a psychologist should be on standby at the children's investigation center. The military agency which takes custody of suspects, the Peace Protection Center and the Southern Border Probices Police Operation Center should have a Malay translator as a full-time member of staff who can enchance the understanding of human rights among the government officials in the area of the Southern border provinces including soldiers, policemen and administrative officers in order to prevent or solve prolbmes in relation to human rights, which could negatively affect the confidence of people towards the justice administration.

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How to Cite
ทองขะโชค ก., ตู้ดำ ป., ทองขะโชค ธ., & สาแลบิง ม. (2016). PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE SOUTHERN BORDER PROVINCES’ JUDICIAL SYSTEM: PRE-PROSECUTION JUSTICE IN THE MAINSTREAM AND SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT. Journal of Thai Justice System, 9(1), 43–68. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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