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อภิวัฒน์ สมาธิ
ภาณุ ธรรมสุวรรณ
กรกฎ ทองขะโชค
ศาสดา วิริยานุพงศ์
วิวัฒน์ ฤทธิมา


The aims of this research were to 1) examine people awareness about Criminal Justice Administration Base on Restorative in Three Province of Southern Thailand 2) Study the attitude of local residents toward Criminal Justice Administration Base on Restorative by strategic Plan for Peace-building in Three PRovince of Southern Thailand and 3) study guidelines for bring Restorative Justice THat is appropriate Three Province of Southern THailand. Research presedures included (1) literally review articles and researches, analyze and synthesize information (2) practically get information from the sample using 3 different methods as welll as 1). The information obtained from questionnaires was filed out from police, proscutor official, Judge, corrections and local residents in the three southern border provinces. For Yala rovince, data were collected from Yala and Yaha districts. For Pattani province, data were randomized collected from Pattani and Yarang districts, whereas data from Narathiwat province were obtained from Narathiwat and Sungnai Padee districts. In this method, data colected by the weight distribution of the sample from each district according to the statistical method are entirely  1,200 revenues, acquiring from 400 revenues per province. Obviously, 900 and 300 questionnaires were filled out by the local residents and government officials. 2) The in-depth information was achieved by interviewing 20 representatives of justice officials and local residents from the three sounthern border provinces. Those representives are 5 police officers, 2 prosecutor officials, 3 judge, 3 corrections and 7 local residents and community leaders, respectively. And 3. held seminar mobilize public opinion for resolving conflict leadersm respectively. And 3. held seminar mobilize public opinion for resolving conflict in Thailand's three southern provinces from about 40 representatives. 3) The obtained data including questionnaires, the in-depth interviews and held seminar mobilize public opinion were analyzed and expressed as average and percent, then evaluated the hypothesis fitting. 4) There results were subjected to interpret in conjunction with the reviewed literatures. Subsequently, research report was then written for presenting.

The results revealed that 1) examine people awareness about criminal justice administration base on restorative by the local residents and government officials in three province of Southern Thailand found that no cognition side criminal justice administration base on restorative, 60 percent from all and from comparison found that people ave knowledge side criminal justice administration abase on restorative lower than government officials. 2) The attitude study involving in criminal jsutice administration base on restorative found that criminal justice administration Base on restorative by strategic Plan that people has most agree (4.24), Administration of justice by the framework perspective of protection of fundamental rights of citizens. (due process model) full. Sequence was minor, Strategy to accelerate the establishment of a committee to monitor the implementation of justice base on the rule of law in the area in three province of Southern Thailand For coordinate and to fix of criminal justice crashes. (4.22) and 3) The attitude study involving to criminal jsutice administration base on restorative for Peace-building in Three Province of Southern Thailand found that guidelines creating peace that most people agree, Bring criminal justice by restorative for use to troubleshooting unrest in in tree province of Southern THailand.

(4.13) Sequence was minor, agree to the religious leaders and community leaders and people coming actively involed in resolving the conflict in the area. (3.87). Suggestions from research, 1. (Restorative justice on strategic plan by ministry of Justice hold The policy that is important to the adoption of resolving conflicts in the area. But be conducted in both Main criminal justice and Restorative justice to concurrently. 2. In the current problem of criminal justice in Three Province of Southern Thailand is no one dared to testify in security crime reduce the weight of evidence make weight testimony is reduced and could not identify offenders bring punish them. Because of fears for safety of life and property of self and family. 3. Most pople disagree with State Security Law, statute 21 If this is the case for killling innocent people or injuring Government officials and nothing to confirm that the offender will not return to crime again. But if that is the lawsuit, not even murder, for example Viewers of origin, putting tack, burned CCTV and etc, can brought the offender these into the process State Security Law statute 21, can be done.

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How to Cite
สมาธิ อ., ธรรมสุวรรณ ภ., ทองขะโชค ก., วิริยานุพงศ์ ศ., & ฤทธิมา ว. (2016). CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION BASE ONRESTORATIVE FOR PEACE-BUILDING IN THREE PROVINCE OF SOUTHERN THAILAND : CASE STUDY IN YALA, PATTANI AND NARATHIWAT PROVINCE. Journal of Thai Justice System, 9(2), 17–44. retrieved from
Research Articles


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