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เสาวนีย์ สงวนกลิ่น


The objective of this research was to explore the law enforcement and legal loopholes affecting  youth crime recidivism in order to find solutions to such problems.

                    Qualitative research was conducted with a structured interview to collect data from 23 key informants involved in the judicial process for youth in Nakornpathom province. They were  two juvenile and family court judges, five juvenile and family attorneys,   six policemen, six probation officers and four psychologists or social workers at Nakornpathom Juvenile Observation and Protection division.

The study found that law enforcement for youth crime recidivism was inappropriate and ineffective as well as law structure being open to legal loopholes,which enabled  youth crime recidivism. Solution guidelines for law enforcement of  youth crime recidivism were firstly to amend the laws to keep the judicial procedures for children and youth  crime recidivism separate from those for first-time offenders. Secondly, the law should be updated consistently to keep up with the current social situation and proper use. Thirdly, certain articles in the law that aim to favor children and youth must be amended. Fourthly, the law

should be amended by increasing the legal measures to rehabilitate children and youth and prevent recidivism.  Finally, the law should be amended to increase thesize of the probation division for close surveillance and follow-up on youth crimerecidivism.

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How to Cite
สงวนกลิ่น เ. (2014). LAW ENFORCEMENT . Journal of Thai Justice System, 7(3), 121–137. Retrieved from
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