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วศินี กมลวารินทร์
ธานี วรภัทร์


Due to the fact that the media has publicized many cases of rape and murder of children under 15 years of age over the last few years, the government and public authorities must work together in carrying out the solutions as soon possible by tracking down the sex offenders, arrest them, and punish them. However, the maximum penalty for the criminal offense of statutory rape in THailand is the death penalty, though it does not seem to make sex offendersfear. THese offenders have intentions, sexual drive, and plans to execute the crime. Nevertheless, they do not have any symptoms of psychosis such as hallucination and auditory hallucination. They are only unable to control their sexual urges. Therefore, when the crimes occur, they will receive the same punishment in the same way as a person of normal mental health by criminal law according to article 276, 277 and 277 bis nontheless the main problem is the same crimes are committed by repeat offenders because they have high levels of androgens resulting in having high sex drive but they cannot suppress it.

THus, the death penalty and imprisonment as prescribed in criminal law are not the right solutions since the problem is casued by offenders who have problems with sex hormone balance.

For this thesis, the author has studied about using pharmacologic treatment to reduce sexual interest in order to halp sex offenders to be able to re-integrate into society and not re-commit rape after they have been released from prison.

A study about using pharmacologic treatment to control the hormones according to the laws California, Florida, and the Republic of Korea shows that they also use this process to decrease sex offenders's sexuyal desire as well. It is believed to be the effective treatment that benefits the sex offenders and also the people in the society in case of safety.

As has been studied, before using pharmacologic treatment, sex offenders are allowed to decide whether they agree to do it or not because even if the chemical castration is treatment, it can cause side effects as well. Thus, agreement between law enforcement agencies and offenders is crucial. This will also prevent the occurrence of human rights violations.

In conclusion, the appropriate sanctions should be attributed to punishment under the criminal code in combiation with the pharmacologic treatment for sex offenders' sexual impulse by hormonal control. In order to help reduce the reoccurrence of sex offense after sex offenders have been released form the prison. Furthermore, this will also help them to be able to live their lives normally with responsibilities as a member of society.


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How to Cite
กมลวารินทร์ ว., & วรภัทร์ ธ. (2016). THE PHARMACOLOGIC TREATMENT FOR SEX OFFENDERS’ SEXUAL IMPULSE BY HORMONAL CONTROL. Journal of Thai Justice System, 9(2), 63–76. Retrieved from
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