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The main purpose of this research is to study 1) the level of femal's fear of sexual crimes when commuting by taxis in Bangkok area, and 2) the factors that influence on the level of female's fear of sexual crimes. The research was conducted by using documentary and quantitative data analysis methods. In the section of quantitative method, research questionnaires were present to the respondents of 433 women who have experienced as taxi passengers. Five statistical tests which including , (i) Mean, (ii), Percentage, (iii) Standard Deviation, (iv) One-Way Anova, and (v) Simple Regression were used as analysis tools. The findings of this research reveal that the level of female's fear of sexual crimes gradually increases. In addition, this research finds that the factors that influence on fear of sexual crimes are different between men and women. Also these factors affecting fear of sexual crimes are also different in each woman. Finally, the factors affecting female's fear of sexual crimes are: (a) frequency of taxi use, (b) duration of commute, (c) the perception of risk to be a victim, and (d) the information of sex crimes in taxis perceived.
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Published Manuscripts are the copyright of the Journal of the Justice System. However; the opinions that appeared in the content are the sole responsibility of the author.
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