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ณัฐธิดา เดชมิตร


This research aimed to study and compare level of rejection of narcotics among public sector vocational students in Bangkok Metropolitan as well as exploring the factors affecting the success in rejection of narcotics among the same group students. The study deployed the quantitative research, distributing questionnaires to 400 vocational students working toward earning vocational diploma (Lower Certificate) in the drug-free institutions or to be number one campaign. Data were analyzed with statistical methods suck as Frequency Distribution, Percentage. Mathematical Mean, Standard Deviation, Independent t-test and One way ANOVA, including Multiple regression analysis.

The findings suggest that different vocational students in different class level had different level of knowledge and skills in rejecting narcotics and the study of factors affecting narcotic also reveals students self-control  related to the rejection of narcotics, having the statistically signifiance 0.05 and self-control could predict the success in the rejection of vocational students in Bangkok Metropolitan 11.6 percent.

Therefore, the promotion activities should be arranged for the educational institutions that participate in the drug-free program and to be number one campaign assisting the student to gain knowledge in such matter. According to the sutdy outcomes, the public vocational schoool participated in the campaign had helped the students to gain knowledge and skills to reject narcotics at high level. In addition, students should be encouraged to have strong will against narcotics, seeing the danger and effect of narcotics, so they could not be persuaded easily into using narcotics, which considered the best immunity against narcotics. Morover, othe r level of vocational students should be encouraged to share knowledge in narcotics and skills in rejecting narcotics as being the older teaching the younger generation because part of the students' skills derived from experiences, learning and accumulation of knowledge through learning.

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How to Cite
เดชมิตร ณ. (2016). FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUCCESS IN THE REJECTION OF NARCOTICS AMONG PUBLIC SECTOR VOCATIONAL STUDENTS IN THE BANGKOK METROPOLITAN. Journal of Thai Justice System, 9(2), 99–112. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246646
Research Articles


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