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ไพรัช บวรสมพงษ์


The research "The Problems of Human Trafficking in Begging Exploitation" aimed to study causes and situations of begging problems in Thai society, perspectives on beggar and begging, including the analysis of the precious measurement of begging problems, in order to provide recommendations to tackle the problems of human trafficking in forced begging.

Qualitative research was designed to this research and the data was gathered by mixed methods, such as documentary research, key informant interviews, group discussions and field study, to understand the problem. Also, content analysis and descriptive research were used to analyze the gathered data and presented the research results.

The research results showed that the problem of human trafficking in forced begging was extremely complicated which linked to the social value of "giving." The occurred begging phenomenon was motivated by poverty and easy income that formed many groups of beggars both of Thai beggars and beggars from neighbour countries.

Moreover, the social point of view in the problem was still "the begging is normal" and "giving is merit making," the begging problem therefore was repeatedly produced and its impact was wider. Although, the begging was related to human trafficking gangs and transnational organized crime groups, the measurements and solutions were not consistent with the root cause of the problem, for example, to order and control beggars in shelters or to recover them by old-fashion occupational training. The limitation of victim identification was also a cause of ineffective victim protection and offender prosecution.

Therefore, the recommendations to combat the human trafficking problem were to start with the process of fact finding in order to screen victims of human trafficking, to lead them and their family to the process of witness protection, and to recover and prepare them for participating in the process of offender prosecution. For conducting all processes, multidisciplinary was needed. In case of people in society, the correct giving concept was needed, so there should be programs to promote understanding and awareness that giving should

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How to Cite
บวรสมพงษ์ ไ. (2016). การจัดการปัญหาการค้ามนุษย์ในรูปแบบการแสวงหาประโยชน์จากการขอทาน. Journal of Thai Justice System, 9(3), 67–89. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246771
Research Articles


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