Feeling Safe in the University :A study About Fear of Crime Among Students ,Lecturers and Staff in Mahidol University,Salaya Campus

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สุณีย์ กัลยะจิตร


The objectives of this research were to study the fear of crime among students, instructors and officers of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom Province to compare level of the fear of crime, and to study factors relating to the fear of crime among this sample. This study was quantitative research. The sample consisted of 400 students, instructors and officers of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom Province.   

The results of this study showed that overall the sample’s opinion towards risk factors for crime was at moderate level   (Mean = 2.79), fear of crime at moderate level (Mean = 2.77), and authority’s protection and fast crime problem solving at moderate level (Mean = 3.22). The most fearful crime was theft. It was followed by physical abuse as the 2nd one. The third one was robbery. In terms of comparing level of the fear of crime, it was found that male and female samples had different levels of the fear of crime. The sample with different education level, exposure of crime news, and primary knowledge of notifying crime events had different levels of the fear of crime. In terms of studying the relationship between variables, risk for crime was positively related to the fear of crime. This means that higher risk for crime, the higher fear of crime. The correlation between two variables was 0.186, indicating low correlation.

Authority’s protection and fast crime problem solving was negatively related to the fear of crime. This means that an increase in authority’s protection and fast crime problem solving leads to lower fear of crime or vice versa. The correlation between two variables was 0.101, indicating low correlation.

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How to Cite
กัลยะจิตร ส. (2017). Feeling Safe in the University :A study About Fear of Crime Among Students ,Lecturers and Staff in Mahidol University,Salaya Campus. Journal of Thai Justice System, 10(1), 19–33. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246833
Research Articles


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