Integration of Social Capital of Tulakarn Chalermprakiat Hospital for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Narcotics

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เรณู ไชยวุฒิ


This study was aimed at the administration and situations in the integration of social capital for treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers in Tulakarn Chalermprakiat Hospital. The social capital of integration was examined. Aside from cognitive capital and structural capital. Cognitive capital consisted of trust, share values, reciprocity and helpfulness. Structural capital consisted of relative structure, patronizing network and law. The sample of this study comprised of policy makers, treatment and rehabilitation advisors, recovering drug abusers, relapsed addicts, parents and community leaders. This was qualitative research, which used an in-depth interview protocol and collected data.

The results showed that the administration and the situations of integration of social capital for the treatment and the rehabilitation of drug abusers depended on the cognitive capital consisting of trust, shared values, reciprocity and helpfulness and the structural capital consisted of the relative structure, patronizing network and law. All the identified factors affected the success of the treatment and rehabilitation of the drug abusers.

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How to Cite
ไชยวุฒิ เ. (2017). Integration of Social Capital of Tulakarn Chalermprakiat Hospital for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Narcotics. Journal of Thai Justice System, 10(1), 53–66. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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