The Past and Crime Suppression & Prevention

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Supisarn Bhakdinarinath
Chadatan Osatis


Due to the constant change of information management system from its original form in the past, this article aims to propose Crime Suppression & Prevention by a new model of informative management innovation in the modern era. Thailand has substantially invested in data collection and data storage, particularly in a form of text, sound and image. Yet, there still inefficiency of data utilization and value-added, as well as discontinuity of data collection. At present, CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) has been extensively used on behalf of human eyes and minds to monitor the safety and security of human life and property. However, these recorded data have been left unattended and unutilized. Most people followed a fading trend of popularity, rather than fully taking advantage of value from the investment. This article; therefore, finds that inputs of human behaviours (activities), times and places requires the relevant four processing components: big data, super software, highly qualified computer and artificial intelligence in order to be monitored and recorded by 3D CCTV system. The functioning interaction of these four components bring about fast process and real time response to human actions and needs. In addition, the advanced capabilities in a new model of management innovation brings many benefits to mankind including happy societal communities, reduced crime rates, intelligent cites, and corrective information. In short, a new model of informative management innovation by comprehensively recorded the past through 3D CCTV system will be useful for safety of human life and also security of social and nation property. In alignment with the implementation of the Twelfth Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) and Thailand 4.0 Policy, this new model of management innovation also can also create and add value in various kinds of businesses in Thailand particularly when public and private sectors closely collaborate together and crime suppression & prevention in next time which will be depend on the past.

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How to Cite
Bhakdinarinath, S., & Osatis, C. (2017). The Past and Crime Suppression & Prevention. Journal of Thai Justice System, 10(3), 21–36. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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