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อภิวัฒน์ สมาธิ
ภาณุ ธรรมสุวรรณ
กรกฎ ทองขะโชค
กฤษกร พลีธัญญวงศ์


The objectives of this study were to 1) investigate the attitude of Thai Diasporas in Malaysia towards the understanding in the situation in Southern border provinces of Thailand, 2) to investigate the attitude of Thai Diasporas in Malaysia towards the solution to the conflict in Southern border provinces of Thailand in peaceful means according to the policy framework of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives and 3) to study the suitable solutions and suggestions for the implementation in Southern border provinces of Thailand in peaceful means. The research methodology included (1) studying related documents and literatures. (2) Collecting data from the sample using 3 methods including 1) questionnaire in study areas which were Kelantan state (Tumpat district and Kota Bharu district), Kedah state (Kubang Pasu district and Padang Terap district) and Perak state (Hulu Perak district and Kuala Kangsar district). The data was collected according to the weighted distribution in total of 1,200 people (400 people for each state which consisting of 300 general people, 100 community and religious leaders, respectively), 2) interview with the community leaders, religious leaders and Thai people in study area and 17 Thai officials in Malaysia, 3) arranging 3 brainstorming forums in 3 states in which were attended by about 40 people each time. (3) The data from questionnaire, interview and brainstorming forums was analyzed to determine means, percentages and hypothesis testing and (4) the results were analyzed together with reviewed literatures. Subsequently, the research paper was prepared and the model was created for describing the research results.

For the first objective of this study, the results showed that the attitude of Thai people towards the fear of the situation in Southern border provinces of Thailand was at high level (3.83), followed by the attitude towards news about the unrest situation in Southern border provinces of Thailand from various media in which the sample believed to be very violent and was at high level (3.67) and the attitude towards the understanding in situation in Southern border provinces of Thailand was at medium level (3.25). For the second objective, the attitude toward the factors contributing to the unrest situation in Southern border provinces of Thailand according to the policy framework of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives, it was found that education was an important factor contributing to the unrest situation in Southern border provinces of Thailand. The most important problem was the value of Thai Muslims which encouraging their children to study in Tadika (mosque-based Islamic educational center) or Pondak schools than in public schools and making it easier to be persuaded to join the insurgent groups which was at high level (3.85) followed by the politic which was also at high level (3.68). Thai people thought the problems were caused by 1) problem of secession, 2) inappropriate policies of the government for solving problem and 3) distortions of religious doctrine to legitimize the insurgency. For the third objective, the attitude towards the peaceful solution to the conflict in Southern border provinces of Thailand according to the policy framework of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives, it was found that the successful solution to the problem consisted of 1) education: children and youth in the area should be more encouraged to study in public schools in order to get the jobs after graduation, 2) there should be a selection of good and qualified government officials to work in the area, 3) all religions should be based on mutual respect for each other’s culture and create fairness to all parties and 4) national consensus on the peaceful coexistence should be made. Suggestions from this study included 1) Thai people considered the secession problem was the most important problem, followed by lack of control over Pondok schools from the beginning which made it easier to implant wrong value to children and youth together with the distortion of religious doctrines, 2) problem solving in Southern border provinces of Thailand was not as effective as it should be because it was not possible to enforce the laws effectively in the area, 3) Malaysia used TC (Three Control) measure along the border which one official (police or soldier) was assigned to inspect 3 families in order to protect the residents and aware of the movements of the insurgent groups disguised in the village, 4) negotiation is the best measure to solve the problems but the negotiators must be recognized and able to order the insurgent groups to stop creating the situation and 5) The best solution is the unity of the nation and understanding in identity of each religious for peaceful coexistence.

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How to Cite
สมาธิ อ., ธรรมสุวรรณ ภ., ทองขะโชค ก., & พลีธัญญวงศ์ ก. (2018). ATTITUDE OF THE EXPATRIATE THAILAND IN MALAYSIA TO SOLVE THE CONFLICT IN PROVINCES THE SOUTHERN OF THAILAND BY PEACEFUL MEANS: CASE STUDY IN KEDAH, KELANTAN AND PERAH. Journal of Thai Justice System, 11(1), 55–76. Retrieved from
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