A Study of Risk and Loss Reduction for On-duty Officers in the Three Southern Border Provinces

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วีรญา อังศุธรถาวริน
จอมเดช ตรีเมฆ


     The situation of violence in the three southern border provinces remains visible at all times. From the past to the present violence and unrest has intensified the impact on all dimensions even more. In particular, the security officer on duty, both of the military and the police, have a duty to sacrifice and maintain the peace and security of the Southernmost. Because of the different situations in each area, it affects the factors causing the performance of the officers. In order to keep the peace and safety of the people in the three southern border provinces, the situations could pose a risk and loss of life, both physical and mental state of officers from performing their duties in the area of the three southernmost provinces. Therefore, the study of the problems in terms of risk reduction and loss in performance of the officers in the three southern border provinces will determine the conditions of risk and loss and the impact of the work clearly to find out preventive measures to reduce risks and losses of the officers, which will occur in the future. The research was a study of a population sample. 1) expert-level policies relating to the three southern border provinces, and 2) the action by the authorities to collect information on specific military and police officers on duty in the three southern border provinces. To study the barriers to officials’ duties in order to find ways to put the strategy to tackle the problem properly, this will lead to the achievement of maximum effectiveness, prevent violence and reduce risks and losses caused by the violence. This could affect both of physical and mental state of the officers on duty in the three southern border provinces.

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How to Cite
อังศุธรถาวริน ว., & ตรีเมฆ จ. (2018). A Study of Risk and Loss Reduction for On-duty Officers in the Three Southern Border Provinces. Journal of Thai Justice System, 11(2), 121–132. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246941
Research Articles


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