The Effects of Imprisonment on the Characteristics Related to the Tendency to Repeat Criminal Offenses by Inmates

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Choukacher Maneethep
Kasemsarn Chotchakornpant


The objective of the research entitled “The Effects of Imprisonment on the Characteristics Related to the Tendency to Repeat Criminal Offenses by Inmates” was to study: 1) the characteristics related to the tendency to repeat criminal offenses by inmates, 2) the effects of imprisonment-related social stigmatization on the characteristics related to the tendency to repeat criminal offenses by inmates, and 3) the interaction effects between age plus rehabilitation programs and the characteristics related to the tendency to repeat criminal offenses by inmates.This research involved the review of literature on relevant theories as well as questionnaire-based surveys with 444 drug-related inmates.

The research found that most of the inmates possessed characteristics related to the tendency to repeat criminal offenses at a low level. However, in all aspects, they had anti -social values and entitlement at a high level, while their rationalization and low self-control were at a low level. Their cognitive laziness was at the lowest level. The number of times being imprisoned and age were factors which contributed to their characteristics related to  the tendency to repeat criminal offenses. The higher the number of times of being imprisoned, the more likely the inmates had characteristics related to the tendency to repeat criminal offenses. This reflected the number of times of deviant behaviors they implemented, which resulted in them experiencing repeated social stigmatization and social rejection. The research revealed that the younger inmates had a higher level of self-stigmatization related to being criminals than their older counterparts. This was derived from the fact that the older inmates had more emotional and cognitive stability; thus, they were more immune to social reactions than the younger ones. No interaction effects between age plus rehabilitation programs and the characteristics related to the tendency to repeat criminal offenses by inmates were identified.

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How to Cite
Maneethep, C., & Chotchakornpant, K. (2019). The Effects of Imprisonment on the Characteristics Related to the Tendency to Repeat Criminal Offenses by Inmates. Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(1), 23–40. Retrieved from
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