Guideline on Reduction of Number of Legal Cases to Court: Comparative Case Studies on the Measure of Dispute Resolution of Community Justice and the Measure of Suspension of Prosecution

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Associate Professor Piyanush Ngernklay
Associate Professor Pongsan Srisomsap
Assistant Professor Pad Lavankura


This research is entitled “Guideline on Reduction of Number of Legal Cases to Court: Comparative Case Studies on the Measure of Dispute Resolution of Community Justice and the Measure of Suspension of Prosecution”. The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the guideline on reduction of number of legal cases to court regarding  the measure of dispute resolution of community justice and the measure of suspension of prosecution 2) to study problems and constraints on reduction of number of legal cases to court regarding the measure of dispute resolution of community justice and the measure of suspension of prosecution, and 3) to give recommendations on the reduction of number of legal cases to court regarding the measure of dispute resolution of community justice and the measure of suspension of prosecution.

This research is qualitative study focusing on two case studies: the measure of dispute resolution of community justice and the measure of suspension of prosecution. Data was collected from various documentary sources and interviews with the key informants in the judicial process.

The research finds out that both cases were different in four important issues: in terms of law, related stakeholders, mechanism in collaborating among different units, and the clear objectives of the measures.

Regarding the first case on the measure of dispute resolution of community justice, the law itself was initiated by community people, while the state officials served as the advisor and supporter. It is the measure which is related to community’s leader, local philosopher, traditions, local wisdom, and the close relationship between community and the people. The working mechanisms of this measure are flexible and adjustable according to the situation. The measure itself has a clear objective to benefit the community and the people.

Regarding the second case on the measure of suspension of prosecution, the law was initiated but still not being approved, however, its content is very much related to the state officials who have legal authorities, such as police, prosecution, court, corrections, probation and representatives from the human rights’ commission. The working mechanisms of this measure are rigid and having unclear objective whether it would be beneficial to offender or to people in general.

From both cases, the research recommends that to successfully implement the alternative justice system, it needs to encourage community to participate in the judicial system, and to set up check and balance formats and mechanisms among different related working units. Also, it is vital to apply the concepts of community’s empowerment, crime prevention, restoration, reintegration, and conflict resolution in the judicial process in order to efficiently and effectively reduce the number of legal cases to court.

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How to Cite
Ngernklay, P., Srisomsap, P., & Lavankura, P. (2019). Guideline on Reduction of Number of Legal Cases to Court: Comparative Case Studies on the Measure of Dispute Resolution of Community Justice and the Measure of Suspension of Prosecution. Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(1), 41–62. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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