The Crisis and Legal Measure for the Corruption in Thai Buddhist Temple

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Ratchapol Tanakiatwaree


The article focuses on the crisis of Corruption in Thai Buddhist temple, which the state budget is disbursed to support the temple in religious operations with the purpose 1. Restoration 2. Propagation for carry out the religious activities 3.  For the study of Buddhist Scriptures but there is a corruption by a staff within the Bureau of Buddhism that let the temple drafts the subsidy budget which increase in ratio of 1:3 or 25 percent. The staff acquires 75 percent of the difference. Then submit the budget request to National Office of Buddhism. When the request is approved, the temple will have to withdraw 75 percent of the money to the staff. Therefore, it caused corruption in this project. In addition, takes Legal measures to supervise the temples and conduct the management of the temple financial accounting report to the temple to have effective financial management, transparency, and be able to inspect and to prevent the gap that is conducive to corruption.

In this study, documentary research whereby the author of this research has studied and analyzed data form the Act on The Sangha Act B.E.2505, newspapers, theses, journal articles, and research reports.  In so doing, the author describes and qualitatively analyzed the data collected.

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How to Cite
Tanakiatwaree, R. (2019). The Crisis and Legal Measure for the Corruption in Thai Buddhist Temple. Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(1), 121–136. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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