The Pilot E-Justice System and Data Exchange Standardization for the Criminal Justice of insurgency Offence in the Southern Boarder Province

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Chavnaut Janekarn
Nattapon Sang-arun
Attachai Ueranantasun
Santhana Chaimontri


The pilot test of the E-justice and data exchange system concentrates on enhancing the effectiveness of the criminal justice practice by the information technology in the Southern Border Province where the justice has become a doubt and distrust as well as a main problem of the southern insurgency conflict. This study analysed the current information technology system and the real practice of officer in the criminal justice process including police, prosecutor, court, prison warden, probation officer, and youth justice officer. Based on the findings on the problem in the use of IT technology and the real practice, this study also attempted to develop some pilot test programmes to improve the justice administration in the insurgency cases with the improvement of operational drawbacks, decrease of duplicate work, data sharing mechanism, and data exchange standardization. The findings from this study confirm the possibility of the IT technology to reduce unnecessary workload and time as well as to enhance administration and operation efficiency, both for the justice practice within the southern border area and the Thai justice information system as a whole.

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How to Cite
Janekarn, C., Sang-arun, N., Ueranantasun, A., & Chaimontri, S. (2019). The Pilot E-Justice System and Data Exchange Standardization for the Criminal Justice of insurgency Offence in the Southern Boarder Province . Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(2), 1–25. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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