Application of Healthcare Facility Standard for Female Inmates (HFS-FI) : Success Story, Challenge and Suggestion Issues

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Nantaga Sawasdipanich
Supa Puektes
Chulepon Chawmathagit
Busaba Sakrangkun
Sangwan Vachakit


Healthcare Facility Standard for Female Inmates (HFS-FI) comprises three major aspects; 1) administrative standards, 2) health service standards, and 3) outcome standards.
In accordance with the Bangkok Rules and Correction Act of 2017, the HFS-FI was used
as a tool to improve healthcare services for female inmates and children with incarcerated mothers. After implementation of HFS-FI in Chiang Mai Women Correctional Institution, following significant improvements were observed; 1) structural improvement of healthcare facilities by providing more equipment and medical supplies, using explicit policy on healthcare and personnel development, and seeking more financial supports, 2) procedural improvement by providing all dimensions of healthcare services under a cooperation between internal and external networks, as well as development of data collection, data analysis and health records, 3) outcome improvement by using patient/recipient satisfaction survey to identify healthcare service quality for further improvement. However, insufficient personnel and budgets as well as inadequate mental health promotion and screening for risk-group female inmates remain a challenge.  According to the success of implementation in Chiang Mai Women Correctional Institution, the following strategies shall be implemented in other institutions to achieve sustainability; 1) establishing quality development  system and mechanism for healthcare services, 2) continuing external networking to expand financial supports, 3) boosting physical and mental health promotion policies, and 4) increasing the quantity of health personnel as well as budget in order to provide adequate healthcare services.

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How to Cite
Sawasdipanich, N., Puektes, S., Chawmathagit, C., Sakrangkun, B., & Vachakit, S. (2019). Application of Healthcare Facility Standard for Female Inmates (HFS-FI) : Success Story, Challenge and Suggestion Issues. Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(2), 57–71. Retrieved from
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