The Performance Results of Storage and Data Analysis of Indicators for Criminal Justice Efficiency in Thailand 2017 - 2019

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Teera Sindechara
Wicha Kittirattanapan


The objectives of this research are (1) to present the data collecting results based on the indicators from different departments to figure the standard value and the baseline of each indicators, including overall assessing the data collection of the criminal justice efficiency, (2) to demonstrate the analysis of judicial efficiency in each component using SWOT analysis, (3) to determine the directions and goals for the reform of criminal justice and drive the justice development with the integrated proposal and the national plan. Data collection, questionnaire, in-dept interview and focus group among the stakeholders including officers, executives, experts and practitioners involved in criminal justice were processed.

The results showed that:

1) Several indicators could be standardized and benchmarked as they were sufficiently available and reliable. However, some indicators were unable to be configured. Overall data collection results were similarly better and worse based on 21 indicators under 7 frameworks.

2) Strengths and weaknesses were identified according to the organizational project factor and the effectiveness of the justice process. Many indicators were found to reflect opportunities and obstacles in justice development. These results lead to all proactive, corrective, preventive and reactive strategies.

3) Directions and goals of justice reform should be focused on the reduction of crimes, the reform of process and the utilization of integrated information under digital technology platform.

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How to Cite
Sindechara, T., & Kittirattanapan, W. (2021). The Performance Results of Storage and Data Analysis of Indicators for Criminal Justice Efficiency in Thailand 2017 - 2019. Journal of Thai Justice System, 14(3). Retrieved from
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