Self-control of Non-recidivistic Juvenile Drug Offenders : A Case Study of Ayutthaya Juvenile Training Center

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issariya Santitham
Dr.Aranee Vivatthanaporn


The objectives of this research were to study guidelines for self-control of non-recidivistic juvenile drug offenders at the time of their release from the Juvenile Training Center and to study factors affecting the juvenile for recidivism on drug offense, as well as to propose for the prevention of non-recidivistic juvenile drug offenders. The qualitative research was conducted by in-depth interview of three sample groups: (1) 10 non-recidivistic juvenile drug offenders within 6 months, (2) 2 social workers and 1 psychologist who have experienced in the juvenile offender work for at least three years, and (3) 3 families which the children have been judged for drug case to attend the Ayutthaya Juvenile Training Center by the court once and have no recidivistic record within 6 months.  A total 16 people from the Ayutthaya Juvenile Training Center have been purposively selected for the study.

The results showed that the self-control guidelines for non-recidivistic juvenile drug offenders at the time of their release from the Juvenile Training Center were as follows: (1) awareness of love and care from family, (2) opportunity and supports from the society for the juveniles, (3) aiming for the goal of life and be concentrated on, (4) realizing to be patient for the success, (5) owning the skill of rejection, (6) having the skill of friend selection, (7) having the skills of emotional relax, (8) avoidance of the drug risk circumstances or situations, (9) realizing the benefits and drawbacks of drug related recidivism, (10) thinking / recalling of returning to the control place, and (11) role model establishing as a life coach guideline. The factors affecting of non-recidivistic juvenile drug offenders include self-determination, family and intimate person, society, friendship, the role model and the productive free-time management. In terms of the operational level for the prevention of recidivism of juvenile drug offenders, Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice should emphasize on the development program or activity of life skills for the juveniles. Future planning and preparation before the release should be emphasized, especially the opportunity for staying as home before leaving the training center. Moreover, their parents should be educated about the appropriate youth raising scheme and taking care of the juveniles after their release. In addition, family and education institute should educate the gratitude aspect to the juveniles and also encourage them to make the most benefit for their free times. Consider the policy level, Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice should promote the pre-release center establishment and enhance public relations by providing the opportunity to the juveniles as well as the system of monitoring, referral and surveillance for the high-risk drug recidivism through the participation networks. Additionally, the awareness and mindfulness among the publics in terms of drug recidivism prevention in juvenile offenders should be achieved.

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How to Cite
Santitham, issariya, & Vivatthanaporn, A. (2021). Self-control of Non-recidivistic Juvenile Drug Offenders : A Case Study of Ayutthaya Juvenile Training Center. Journal of Thai Justice System, 14(3). Retrieved from
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