Motives Affecting Firearm-Related Offenses

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Piyaporn Tunneekul
Vachiravitch Ittithanasuphavitch
Namtae Meeboonsalang


The aim of this research was to study the motives that have an effect on firearm-related offenses as well as to recommend guidelines for the correction of offensive behaviors. Qualitative research by in-depth interview of the inmates who are being imprisoned was achieved in this study. The purposive sampling was applied to the offenders who committed all kind of firearm-related offenses. The results showed that the motives affecting firearm-related offenses were hot temper, easy anger, fury, and being unable to control themselves, in addition with intoxication of offenders in some cases. It was also found that these certain offenses had been under pressure from the environment, such as physical abuse by husband, domestic violence, and economic hardship. Moreover, it appeared that most firearms used in the criminal offense were illegal guns. Therefore, the problem-solving guidelines in terms of family, academic institute, social adjustment in all pleasant aspects, employment rates, and the improvement of justice process and laws should be intensely focused.

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How to Cite
Tunneekul, P., Ittithanasuphavitch, V., & Meeboonsalang, N. (2022). Motives Affecting Firearm-Related Offenses . Journal of Thai Justice System, 15(1), 129–142. Retrieved from
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