Recidivism Risk Assessment in Thailand

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Siriprabha Kaewsrinual
Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University.


This article is a qualitative research by reviewing relevant documents which aims to study the topic related to the risk assessment approach among offenders and the development of recidivism risk assessment among inmates in Thailand. The scope of the research consists of 1) synthesizing the situation of inmates in Thai prisons 2) the necessity, and importance of risk assessment 3) the evolution of risk assessment concepts and examples of risk assessment tools currently used to assess the causes and risk of recidivism. This research will be useful for developing recidivism risk assessment guidelines among inmates in Thai prisons, which will help to prevent and control crime problems in society and increase public safety.

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How to Cite
Kaewsrinual, S., & Choosakoonkraing, S. . (2022). Recidivism Risk Assessment in Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 15(3), 59–81. Retrieved from
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