The Status of Trusts under Thai Legal System

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Jiranan Chucheep
Arnon Sriboonroj


The establishment of Trust is commenced in common law system countries that recognize the principle of ownership division between the trustee and the beneficiary. This principle is not evident in civil law system countries. Accordingly, the difficulty in the interpretation of legal status as well as legal consequences of the Trusts established in countries with different legal system can be occurred. However, several countries have signed in the Convention of 1985 on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition in order to eliminate the conflict on determination of Trusts. This convention has unified the basis of law conflict and sets forth the recognition of Trusts which are established in foreign countries. Subsequently, Thai courts probably apply this model to interpret the status of a Trust established in foreign country in case of future legal disputes.

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How to Cite
Chucheep, J. ., & Sriboonroj, A. (2022). The Status of Trusts under Thai Legal System. Journal of Thai Justice System, 15(3), 95–109. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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