An An Analysis of the Rehabilitation process of Elderly Prisoner

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Phatsaporn Suwannakart


The purposes of this article are to examine the issues in the rehabilitation process of elderly prisoner and to propose the development of an appropriate rehabilitation process for elderly prisoner. From the reviewing of rehabilitation theory, the principle of Throughcare service and the analysis of elderly prisoner’s problems in the rehabilitation process, recommendations on the reintegration of elderly prisoner were proposed as follow: 1. legal recommendations for establishment of minimum standards or laws for elderly prisoner treatments and measures, 2. policy recommendations to formulate the Throughcare service model based on a policy network which is integrated among relevant agencies in public sector, private sector, community and the offender’s family, 3. practical recommendations about the training of officers who are involved in the protection for the rights of elderly, and 4. academic recommendations for further study of the life path for elderly prisoner in order to prevent the crime.

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How to Cite
Suwannakart, P. (2023). An An Analysis of the Rehabilitation process of Elderly Prisoner. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(1), 149–168. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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