Female Serial Killer’s Factors for Murder

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Trynh Phoraksa
Unisa Lerdtomrnsakul


Since the beginning of recorded history, murders have been a part of human society. Purpose, motive, physical, and psychological disease all vary in the murders that occurred. Different events and other elements play a role in each murder's cause. The primary goal of this article is to investigate the circumstances that lead to the deaths of female serial killers by giving a case of a female murderer who has committed a series of murders. Also, to look at the physical, psychological, social, and environmental aspects that affect female murderers, as well as motivation and victim choosing tactics. Among other things that contributed to the murderer's death Because of the violent techniques used and the large number of victims in the cases, the trial of serial homicide criminals has gotten a lot of attention from the media and the general public. People and society want to know what caused the murder, especially in cases involving female serial murderers, who are less aggressive than men, have less emotional control, and are less powerful than men. As a result, women's serial killings are loaded with social mistrust. The goal of the author is to portray the history of female serial killers. Physical qualities, motives, murdering tactics, and dealing with victims were all aspects of the murders of female serial killers. To clarify the distinctions between female and male serial killers in order to dispel society's misconceptions about the motives of female serial killers and to provide recommendations for future crime prevention.

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How to Cite
Phoraksa, T., & Lerdtomrnsakul, U. . (2023). Female Serial Killer’s Factors for Murder. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(1), 135–148. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/257649
Academic Articles


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