A study of recidivism factors of narcotic drug inmate at Prachuapkhirikhan provincial prison

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Nititut Sanboonsri
Jomdet Treemek


                The purposes of this research are (1) to study the status of inmate recidivism in drug related cases of Prachuapkhirikhan provincial prison and (2) to study the problems or causes of inmate recidivism and (3) to propose solutions to solve the problems of recidivism for those who have been imprisoned. The behavior of 300 male inmates who were imprisoned in the Prachuapkhirikhan provincial prison and reoffend were sampled.  Quantitative data were collected using questionnaires, while qualitative data were obtained from the in-dept interviews of 4 inmates who repeated offense more than twice.                                                                            The study revealed that inmates who had been sentenced to imprisonment from Prachuapkhirikhan provincial prison returned to commit drug-related offenses. The inmates became “Repeat offenders” and were reviled as “Prisoners scumbag” by people in society. The prisoners who committed 2 or more repeated offences were 30-39 years old with the highest numbers of the second offense. The prisoners have grown up by warm family background and possess career intentions to earn money for their family. After being released from prison, the inmates face difficulties in their career resulting in insufficient income. This leads to family problems along with judgment of people in society. In addition, returning to the community with widespread drug abuse can be the reason for the repeated offense. The other important factor is imprisonment behavior of prisoners who learnt from other inmates in the prison about how and where to sell the narcotic drugs. Then, after being released from prison, they return to the cycle of drugs. Moreover, the prisoners have the attitude that “going to jail” is not a punishment and is not afraid of the law, as a result, inmates have repeated the offenses several times. The solutions for recidivism problem of inmates are the prisoner’s personality improvement to apply for procedures of Department of Corrections and vocational training. Moreover, offer, support and opportunity from the government and private sections to help the offenders or those who are released to live normally in society are also essential.

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How to Cite
Sanboonsri, N., & Treemek, J. . . . (2023). A study of recidivism factors of narcotic drug inmate at Prachuapkhirikhan provincial prison. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(2), 75–102. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/259698
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