World Behind the Wall: Psychological Experiences and Cognitive Adaptation of Female Inmates

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Marisa Atchawong
Natthawut Arin


This research is the hermeneutic phenomenological approach and aims to examine psychological experiences and cognitive adaptation of female inmates who live in correctional institution. The data was collected from 14 female inmates and the in-depth interviews were performed. The qualitative data obtained is analyzed using content analysis. The results reveal that psychological experiences and cognitive adaptation of female inmates could be arranged into 2 parts as follows: Part one, Psychological Experiences of Inmates, which reflect female inmates’ thoughts and emotions when they came to the prison, consisted of 4 main themes :1) Feeling of suffering 2) Feeling of guilt towards families and lovers 3) Anxiety about lawsuits and judgments 4) Struggle in the past events. Moreover, Part two, Cognitive Adaptation of Inmates, which is the cognitive process could help them to solve problems and to be well-being, contained 2 main themes: 1) Cognitive adaptation affected from internal world 2) Cognitive adaptation caused by external supportive factors.

            The research finding leads to understanding of experiences and cognitive adaptations of female inmates who live in correctional institution. In addition, the research results indicate that mental health healing by counseling psychology in female inmates is considered as a supportive counsel, to help them to introspect, to aware of themselves, to esteem their internal value or self-worth, in order that they are be able to find hope, optimism, mindfulness and to live in the present moment, including find out their own coping strategies. In conclusion, the research results of the process can help female inmates to have well-being and ease their living in the prison.

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How to Cite
Atchawong, M., & Arin, N. . (2023). World Behind the Wall: Psychological Experiences and Cognitive Adaptation of Female Inmates. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(3), 111–132. Retrieved from
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