Developing the Forensic Evidence's Work System in Murder Cases of the Criminal Justice

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Wariya Thongpagde
Noparuj Saksiri


There are two aims for this research which are (1) to study the problem and (2) to submit the development of forensic evidence system in murder cases for the criminal justice. The mixed methods were applied using semi-structure interviewing of 36 informants for the qualitative research and quantitative research under the analysis of descriptive statistic for development issues. Three main issues were found as

follows: (1) the input factor development; (1.1) Man, the Royal Thai Police has developed the system for allocating inquiry officer to be proportionated with the workload. (1.2) Money, the Royal Thai Police developed a system to consider for forensic officer’s incentive to be equivalent to other officials. (1.3) Material, the Royal Thai Police has developed the efficient materials and equipment management to support and facilitate the operation or urgent cases as needed. (1.4) Method, the Ministry of Public Health has collaborated with the Royal Thai Police to develop the corpse transport system to well-equipped hospitals with fast operation and original corpse condition. (2)  Process development (POCCC); (2.1) Planning, the Royal Thai Police proposed the evaluation planning system according to the strategy plans by adding the indicator such as justice transparency to the people, etc. (2.2) Organizing, the Royal Thai Police established the organizational management system which clearly divided tasks without overlapping, decreased the chain of command to prevent the operational interference. (2.3) Commanding, the Royal Thai Police has developed the command system, clear and fair investigator rotation to boost morale and to ensure continuity of internal management. (2.4) Controlling, the Royal Thai Police has developed the governance and management system for people to maintain the rights of investigation access. Lastly, (2.5) Coordinating, the Royal Thai Police created an organizational culture that facilitates collaboration among agencies to be convenient, smooth, and aiming for the same goal. Finally, (3) the System environment development: (3.1) Inquiry session, the Royal Thai Police developed measures for inspection, control, and assistance for the delay of report submission to prosecutor. (3.2) Ordered session, the Office of the Attorney General together with the Court, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health and Royal Thai Police has approved to modernize the Criminal Procedure Code. (3.3) Judicial session, the Office of the Attorney General together with Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Royal Thai Police and Lawyers Council agreed to develop the trial and hearing system with equality based on the truth and evidence of crime.

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How to Cite
Thongpagde, W., & Saksiri, N. . (2023). Developing the Forensic Evidence’s Work System in Murder Cases of the Criminal Justice. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(2), 1–26. Retrieved from
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