Problems and Challenges in Resolving the Recidivism in Thailand

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Poowadon Chai-in
Yodsawadi Thipphayamongkoludom


This article seeks to clarify the problems from recidivism solving in the Thai criminal justice system. Research materials on the prevention of recidivism were analyzed and guidelines on challenges in resolving recidivism were recommended. Document research and review article based on quantitative methods were applied. The results showed that problems of recidivism were preliminarily existing in the definition of recidivism, data and statistical collection, treatments for specific group of recidivists, and the identification of the main causes and factors of recidivism which are significant challenges to tackling the issue. In addition, the resolution of recidivism under concrete research integration and stakeholder collaboration was analyzed and proposed. This included criminal justice system and treatment of offender development, social and economic policy development, improvement of legal measures, and the application of research-based evidence. This article proposes a holistic approach to resolve the problem of recidivism under the criminal justice system based on contexts and research findings. Moreover, proper suggestions of policy support to resolve the recidivism for criminal justice organizations in Thailand were recommended.

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How to Cite
Chai-in, P., & Thipphayamongkoludom, Y. (2023). Problems and Challenges in Resolving the Recidivism in Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(3), 133–154. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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