Law and criminal justice in sexual diversity Comparative study: the sexism, law and the access to criminal justice of Gay group in Thailand and United State of America.

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Thana Rangnoy


The identity of personal status in society for individuals who are with a Sexual Diversity or in LGBTQ+ group was commonly expressed more than in the past. However, this situation is like a "double-edged sword" that creates many problems for LGBTQ+ group, for example, the protection of the rights to freedom of expression, the access to justice and laws for the support of expression and access to their rights, which have not been resolved at present. Violence, discrimination and stigmatization by society's culture and traditions, laws, access to justice, and protection of the rights and freedoms are with certain limitations and irrelevant to the human rights principles. From this study, the results showed that legal system and access to justice that related to protection, advocacy, and access to the justice for gay and LGBTQ+ between Thailand and the United States of America reflected the obstacles and limitations of access to the justice in a different way.

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How to Cite
Rangnoy, T. (2023). Law and criminal justice in sexual diversity Comparative study: the sexism, law and the access to criminal justice of Gay group in Thailand and United State of America. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(2), 117–142. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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