The Validity of Choice-of-Law Clause in International Contract

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Arnon Sriboonroj


This academic article aims to generate knowledge and understanding related to the issue of validity of choice-of-law clause, which is of great importance. It does not only effect the law applicable to contract, but may also impact the rights and obligations between the parties. This is          a result of the difference of substantive law in each country. However, it is widely recognized that the choice-of-law clause is separated from other parts of the contract,     based on the doctrine of severability. Regarding the problem of which law should be applied for the validity of choice-of-law clause, there are still differing opinions among legal scholars, which can be categorized into four approaches: the lex fori approach, the express intent approach, the default law approach and judicial discretion approach. Under Thai’s conflict of laws system, the issue of validity of choice-of-law clause may be unclear because the Conflict of Laws Act B.E. 2481 does not specifically address this matter, and there is no clear precedent in Thai jurisprudence as well. Additionally, there is no explanation relating to the validity of the choice-of-law clause in legal textbooks. Therefore, if the amendment of the Conflict of Laws Act B.E. 2481 occurs in the future, the doctrine of severability should be recognized within Thai’s conflict of laws on the contract system.

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How to Cite
Sriboonroj, A. (2024). The Validity of Choice-of-Law Clause in International Contract. Journal of Thai Justice System, 17(1), 99–114. Retrieved from
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