The Korean Drama Series and the Change of the Teenage Couples' Attitude toward Dating Violence in a Paradoxical Direction

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Walisara Kreethapol


The purposes of this qualitative research are (1) to interpret the Korean drama series' contents that can change Thai teenage couples' attitudes toward dating violence in a paradoxical direction, and (2) to study Thai teenage couples' attitudes toward dating violence after watching the Korean drama series. The results of this study revealed that the Korean drama series' contents can change Thai teenage couples' attitudes toward dating violence in a paradoxical direction by presenting the gentlemanly and non-violent male characters as their main protagonists. According to this reason, the audiences understand the Korean society following the Korean drama series’ contents and tend to imitate their behaviors even though the Korean society is, in reality, a patriarchal society which men use violence against women. This research will be the guideline and knowledge for the related institution to make drama series that can change the Thai teenager’s attitudes toward dating violence and reduce the imitate violence behaviors from the media.

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How to Cite
Kreethapol, W. (2021). The Korean Drama Series and the Change of the Teenage Couples’ Attitude toward Dating Violence in a Paradoxical Direction. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9, 43–55. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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