Landscape of Violence and Cyberbullying

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Watchara Khunwong
Adipon Euajarusphan


The purpose of this academic paper is to study the violence of cyberbullying and how to deal with online changes. As a public sphere in social network. Nowadays, online media has been greatly developed and online media has become a part of Thai people's way of life. Public sphere in social network has resulted in the use of space for social activities as if bringing the real world into the Internet. This makes the time and distance constraints lessened communication It is also an area where people get a two-way involvement, both as a receiver and a messenger. Public sphere in social network is free of communication as they can hide their real names from the real identity of users. These things lead to freedom of expression that happens either intentionally or unintentionally. These comments have damaged the relationships among users in the same area with both face-to-face and group conflicts, creating a new kind of violence in which the outcome is more psychological than the harm external bodies, as people are not required to have one-on-one confrontations in this public sphere in social network. The results of the study on online violence and cyberbullying were caused by users with disregard for ethics and authenticity due to the wide variety of online messages sent in public areas, including the anonymity. Communication thus leads to freedom of expression that exceeds the initial aim of creating public sphere social in network. Commenting has resulted in conflicts or cyberbullying and has become a widespread social issue. It affects both the action and the victim and those around it. Users should take into account that is 1. Learn and be aware of the use of the online world. 2. Understand the difference between people in the online world. 3.Access the online world as necessary and balance your online time and the real world. 4. Focus on the substance you want to convey. The public sphere in social network represents the thoughts of people in society that reflect the society in which technology is a medium of life. When an event occurs in the online media space, it is considered a lesson both for good and for bad.

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How to Cite
Khunwong, W. . . ., & Euajarusphan, A. (2021). Landscape of Violence and Cyberbullying. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9, 146–160. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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