The Development Strategy of Labour Competencies and Skills for the Private Sectors in Mukdahan SEZ by Peaceful Means

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Nathaphon Jarat
Phramaha Weerasak Abhinandavedi
Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso


The aims of this research were 1) study the context of the development of labour competencies and skills for the private sectors in Mukdahan SEZ including to its problems, causes and crises, 2) apply Shanti Dhamma doctrine that has been discovered in the royal literary work; the story of Mahajanaka by HM the Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej to propose policy for the private sector labour’s Kaya and Jitta developing in Mukdahan SEZ, and 3) propose the mechanism that will able to drive the policy of the development of labour competencies and skills for the private sector in Mukdahan SEZ by peaceful means in accordance with the national strategy. This research was typically conducted by qualitative research methods with deeply documentary and fieldwork studies. Data collected by in-depth interviews with fifteen key informants consisting of ten Mukdahan SEZ entrepreneurs and business owners, three officers, one expert involved to the royal literary work and lastly one Buddhist monk. The results of the research found that 1) insufficiency of precise provincial policy in the development of labour competencies and skills for the private sectors in Mukdahan SEZ, 2) insufficiency of industrial sectors skilled and unskilled labours included to lacking the quality or quantity required, and 3) the labour is lacking a regular training to upskill to be the expert of the field. In the aspect of peace ideology that applying for this research had found in the royal literary works zoomed to Bhavana IV; the four aspects of self-development which are consisting of Physical Development, Social Development, Emotional Development, and Intellectual Development. They literally have been adopted to a new acronym that was called Mukdahan’s RESKILL; R for Resilience, E for Economic Security, S for Standards of Training, K for Kindhearted Action, I for Intellectual Property, L for Leadership and another one L for Legal Forces. The new finding found that the significant factors which are greatly impacting the results of labour development by peaceful means were Economic Security (E) and Leadership (L). Because of all mentioned above, the finding should be implemental for the Mukdahan SEZ’s policy proposal to develop the labour as local needs.

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How to Cite
Jarat, N., Abhinandavedi , P. W. ., & Dhammahaso, P. H. . (2021). The Development Strategy of Labour Competencies and Skills for the Private Sectors in Mukdahan SEZ by Peaceful Means. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9, 71–84. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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