Legal Administration of Disciplinary Action Toward Detention of Police Officers

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Nuanlaong Jarunchat
Sirima Boonmalert


The study on the legal administration of disciplinary actions concerning detained police officers aims to ascertain the attitude of police officers towards disciplinary detention and its associated problems under the National Police Act B.E 2565. The study also aims to establish the guidelines on appropriate disciplinary actions for detained police officers under administrative law. This qualitative research was carried out using in-depth interviews of ten key informants and a focus group with fifty samples, yielding a total of sixty informants.

            The results showed that police officers understood that disciplinary detention is an administrative action. Opinions toward disciplinary detention were divided. Low-ranking police officers believed that disciplinary detention only applied to them and not to high-ranking ones. The same group of officers wanted disciplinary detention revoked due to its unfairness, inequality and discrimination. On the other hand, high-ranking officers argued that disciplinary detention should be maintained as it resulted in the effectiveness of police operations. With regard to police detention itself, some of the officers were of the opinion that disciplinary detention did not actually improve police behavior. What it did do was increase the workload of other officers because they would be the ones to work in place of those under detention.

            The findings also provided solutions to discipline police officers under administrative action. The key informants noted that measures which could replace the disciplinary detention of police officers were voluntary community service in the public and private sectors, and overtime work. 

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How to Cite
Jarunchat, N. ., & Boonmalert, S. (2023). Legal Administration of Disciplinary Action Toward Detention of Police Officers . NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11. Retrieved from
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