Studying Behavior-based Safety Among RTAF Personnel Who Work with Armaments

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Tasayuth Thongyoo
Doungkamol Thongyoo


The purpose of this research is to study the factors contributing to behavior-based safety (BBS)
in Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) ordnance operations and to propose guidelines for the development of safety behaviors for RTAF armament personnel. By focusing on ordnance operations, personnel will have to work with the weapons of the Air Force. This research employs the qualitative method by studying and collecting data from relevant documents and interviews with RTAF armament personnel who have more than 20 years of experience in ordnance operations. The information from documents and interviews was analyzed and synthesized in order to formulate the guidelines for developing BBS in ordnance operations of RTAF personnel.

            The results showed that factors leading to BBS in RTAF ordnance operations were factors caused by the ordnance operators themselves, operational environment, the process of administration, supervision and support from the organization. The development of the guidelines for BBS among ordnance personnel resulted from the use of information and academic implementation according to the principles of psychology, the use of engineering knowledge related to operations, the availability of operators both physically and mentally, the use of standard operating manuals, improvement of management processes, supervision, promotion from the organization and the use of academic principles that have been recognized as standards and widely used both domestically and internationally applied to make organizations have workers with BBS in their operations.

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How to Cite
Thongyoo, T., & Thongyoo , D. . (2023). Studying Behavior-based Safety Among RTAF Personnel Who Work with Armaments. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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