Issues on Assessment using CEFR in the Region

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Joseph Foley


This paper outlines and discusses the revised version of the Common European Framework of Reference Languages: Learning, teaching and assessment, [the CEFR 2018] together with the Frameworks of Reference for English Language Education in Thailand Malaysia, Vietnam, China and Japan which are based on the CEFR. The aims are to highlight the potential issues that need to be addressed including international forms of assessment as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and how the rating can be compared to the scores obtained in these high-stake standardized tests of language proficiency. The indications are that using the same proficiency scales as the basis for rating scale criteria may lead to perceived equivalence but does not necessarily to a greater comparability of shared criteria. The implications from a number of studies are that different tests use similar criteria that are based on the same descriptors, but the comparability is only assumed.

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How to Cite
Foley, J. (2019). Issues on Assessment using CEFR in the Region. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 12(2), 28–48. retrieved from
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