Innovative Use of English Language Teaching as an International Language in Graduate Studies in Thai Universities

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Achara Wongsothorn
Suwaree Yordchim
Duangkamol Thitivesa
Siriporn Pongsurapipa


"Innovative use of English language teaching as an international language in graduate studies in Thai universities" is a mixed method proactive and responsive action research study exploring learning management in teaching English as an International Language (EIL). The research has 3 objectives: (1) to study the opinions on the use of media in teaching EIL at the graduate level, (2) to set indicators of how to use the media in teaching graduate level EIL, and (3) to find guidelines for developing instructional media and media innovation guides for EIL at graduate level. The 3 sample groups consist of (1) 25 experts in EIL who have been teaching English as an international language for not less than 15 years, (2) 65 Thai university teachers of EIL and (3) 9 doctoral degree EIL students at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Research instruments consist of 3 sets of questionnaires for rating and ranking of EIL methods and innovations, and questions for in-depth interviews. Data analyses are frequency count, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and ranking with in-depth interview, observation, and content analysis. The research results are: (1) Thai and foreign language teaching experts are of the opinion that the EIL method should be Pragmatics, Global, Communicative, and teaching content should be Pragmatic employing Negotiation of meaning; the use of print media ranks the highest, and final exams are for student learning evaluation; (2) 84% of the respondents agree that English language teaching should be relevant to the content/CLIL and language interaction activities. Printed texts are used most, followed by portable mobile learning device and digital media. Media innovation guides should include standards and indictors which are operationally defined for teachers, personnel, and students.

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How to Cite
Wongsothorn, A., Yordchim, S., Thitivesa, D., & Pongsurapipa, S. (2019). Innovative Use of English Language Teaching as an International Language in Graduate Studies in Thai Universities. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 12(2), 14–27. retrieved from
Research Articles