Needs Analysis on an English Textbook Entitled English for International Business

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Sucharat Rimkeeratikul


Using the framework of CLIL for the content and ESP for the language functions, this research investigated and analyzed the needs of current MA students, MA graduates and prospective employers as the basis for designing a textbook for an elective course entitled English for International Business. The results of a survey of 42 MA students, 48 MA graduates, and 35 prospective employers of MA graduates revealed what topics of international business and what English language functions in writing and speaking needed to be included. Moreover, in-depth interviews were conducted with two MA students, two MA graduates, and four prospective employers of MA graduates to gain a deeper understanding of the responses and the results from the survey data. All in all, the results from the survey and in-depth interviews can enable the writer of the textbook to proceed with the project in a clearer and more specific direction to serve the needs of the stakeholders of this English course offered by the university in the current study.

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How to Cite
Rimkeeratikul, S. (2022). Needs Analysis on an English Textbook Entitled English for International Business. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(1), 748–774. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Sucharat Rimkeeratikul, Language Institute, Thammasat University, Thailand

An associate professor at the Language Institute, Thammasat University. Her publications include ESP textbooks and research articles in the field of communication in the English Language. Her interests also include intercultural communication.


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