Computer-Aided Argument Mapping within Metacognitive Approach: Its Impact on Students’ Argumentative Writing Performance and Self-Regulated Learning

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Roderick Julian Robillos
Jakkrapong Thongpai


Digital visual mapping to date has recently been implemented in an English Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. However, there is a growing need to implement this digital mapping tool within a strategic approach for more effective and self-regulated learning. This paper aimed to investigate the effects of Computer-Aided Argument Mapping (CAAM) within the metacognitive approach on Thai EFL learners’ argumentative writing performance across the development of writing content and writing coherence and their self-regulation of learning. A mixed-method type of research was employed involving a one-group of pre- and post-test design. A total of 21 Second Year college students was purposively selected as samples. A Self-Regulation of Learning Scale (SRS) was also used to track the development of their self-regulation. Results reveal that students’ argumentative writing performance made noteworthy gains as manifested by a significant difference between their pre- and post- test results. Furthermore, five of six SRL components reveal a significant relationship with students’ argumentative writing performance indicative that they have become more self-regulated in their learning in terms of planning, self-monitoring, evaluation, effort, and self-efficacy. Qualitative findings reveal that the participants have positively welcomed the use of CAAM on their writing processes and self-regulation. Finally, the study findings provide thoughtful insights into utilizing digital mapping within the metacognitive approach to improve students’ argumentative writing skills and self-regulated learning as well as revolutionize EFL learning classrooms in this digital period.

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How to Cite
Robillos, R. J., & Thongpai, J. (2022). Computer-Aided Argument Mapping within Metacognitive Approach: Its Impact on Students’ Argumentative Writing Performance and Self-Regulated Learning. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(2), 160–186. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Roderick Julian Robillos, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

A TESOL lecturer at the Faculty of Education KKU, Thailand. His research interests revolve on L2/EFL Pedagogies, Metacognitive Strategy Instruction, SRL, CT-Skills, Translanguaging, Educational Technology.

Jakkrapong Thongpai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Thailand

A lecturer at Business English Program, UBRU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thailand. His research interests: Translation strategies, machine translation, CAT, EFL self-assessment, learning styles.


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