Expatriate Native English Speaking Lecturers in a Thai University Context: Privileged or Underemployed?

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Preechaya Mongkolhutthi


This case study explores the working condition of expatriate native English speaker lecturers at a higher educational institution in Thailand regarding the extent of their workplace support and how they perceive the support given. Primary and secondary data from expatriate lecturers (n=8) and administrators of the context (n=4) demonstrate that being an ideal model for language production does not always make native English speaker lecturers a more privileged professional group than non-native speakers. The findings also point to the risk of their underemployment in three aspects: quality of their professional learning and teaching, support system, and sustainability. The expatriate participants reveal that the potential underemployed work conditions are in line with their expectations. It could be concluded that it is not only the policies that determine the working conditions and the lecturers’ opportunities for involvement in the organization’s policy consideration but also the lecturers who have chosen to disengage.

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How to Cite
Mongkolhutthi, P. (2022). Expatriate Native English Speaking Lecturers in a Thai University Context: Privileged or Underemployed?. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(2), 326–350. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LEARN/article/view/259932
Research Articles
Author Biography

Preechaya Mongkolhutthi, Language Institute, Thammasat University, Thailand

An Assistant Professor at the Language institute, Thammasat University, Thailand. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of York. Her research is in the area of Professional Studies with a specific focus on Professional Development for, and Workplace Relationship of, English language teachers in Higher Educational context. Her current research focuses on workplace culture and professional development opportunities of diverse groups of English language teachers in Thailand and marginalised groups (Expatriate lecturers and non-contract lecturers).


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