Usability and motivation study of mobile application for English language proficiency test preparation in Thailand: A case study of TU-GET CBT

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Sichon Koowuttayakorn
Pimsiri Taylor


Usability testing is a method that determines how user-friendly a website or a mobile application is. The present study investigated the usability of a newly launched mobile application called TU-GET CBT or Thammasat University General English Test (Computer-Based Test). It also strived to understand the extent to which the application contributes to users’ motivation. Twenty-one target users were involved in three focus group sessions; they also completed a usability and intrinsic motivation questionnaire. In addition, five experts in the field of language education and technology performed the heuristic evaluation that measured the application’s usability. The findings showed that in general, all participants were satisfied with the application in terms of its usefulness for English language learning and test preparation. Nonetheless, several technical usability issues were identified including accessibility, navigability, and aesthetics. Pedagogical usability of consistency and feedback were also raised across findings. In regard to motivation, the findings suggested that the users’ motivation can increase if they perceive the application as valuable and enjoyable. These findings provide valuable implications for the next phase of the TU-GET CBT application development.

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How to Cite
Koowuttayakorn, S., & Taylor, P. (2022). Usability and motivation study of mobile application for English language proficiency test preparation in Thailand: A case study of TU-GET CBT. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(2), 625–648. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Sichon Koowuttayakorn, Language Institute, Thammasat University, Thailand

A faculty member and a director of the M.A. in Career English for International Communication at the Language Institute, Thammasat University. Her research interests include technology-enhanced English language teaching and learning and multimodal discourse analysis.

Pimsiri Taylor, Language Institute, Thammasat University, Thailand

A faculty member at the Language Institute, Thammasat University. Apart from teaching and supervising postgraduate research projects, Dr. Taylor is also involved in teacher training programs. Her research interests include English-medium instruction, English as a lingua franca, English for specific purposes, internationalization of education, and interculturality.


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