Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning: English Learning of Chinese Students in Thai University

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Bijiang Zou
Supinda Lertlit


This study aimed to explore Chinese students' application of Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) in learning English, to investigate differences in English language learning strategies among students at different levels of English proficiency, and to report their perception of English learning through a semi-structured interview in the cross-cultural context in Thailand. The study combined quantitative data of questionnaires completed by a survey group of 244 Chinese students at a university in Thailand, and qualitative data from a semi-structured interview of 10 students from the same group. The results showed that Chinese students generally had a high level of engagement in SILL. The most frequently used strategy category was Compensation Strategies, followed by Social Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, and Affective Strategies. The least frequently used strategy category was Memory Strategies. The findings revealed a significant mean difference in language learning strategies which varied significantly by English proficiency level. Participants' responses to the interview indicated that SILL was significant for their learning experience and expression in the cross-cultural context of Thailand, and that their speaking and listening skills were significantly improved. Findings of this research provided valuable inputs for further research on language learning in cross-cultural context.

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How to Cite
Zou, B., & Lertlit, S. (2022). Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning: English Learning of Chinese Students in Thai University. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(2), 705–723. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LEARN/article/view/259948
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Bijiang Zou, Suryadhep Teachers College, Rangsit University,Thailand

An M.A. student in Bilingual Education, Suryadhep Teachers College, Rangsit University,Thailand. She is interested in language learning strategies and self-evaluation concept of tertiary learners.

Supinda Lertlit, Suryadhep Teachers College, Rangsit University, Thailand

An Assistant Professor who works as an Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Suryadhep Teachers College of Rangsit University. Her interests include the Instructional Technology in education as well as ICT Adaptability in Flexible Instruction.


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