Analysis of Vocabulary Use and Move Structures of the World Health Organization Emergencies Press Conferences on Coronavirus Disease: A Corpus-Based Investigation

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Piyapong Laosrirattanachai
Piyanuch Laosrirattanachai


The current study explored the vocabulary use and examined the rhetorical move structure of World Health Organization Emergencies Press Conferences on the Coronavirus Disease. Vocabulary use was described using a corpus of 140 press conferences containing 1,139,248 running words that was analysed based on three indicator variables: vocabulary level, lexical coverage, and lexical profiling. The move structure was analysed based on 70 press conferences randomly selected from the corpus to identify shared moves and steps throughout the selected press conferences. The vocabulary level and lexical coverage analysis identified that 95 per cent of the vocabulary used in the corpus came from the first 3,000 high-frequency words based on the frequency rates of the British National Corpus (BNC) and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). Harmoniously, non-medical terms were extensively used across the press conferences covering 93.56 per cent of the corpus. Therefore, L2 users of English would understand most of the language used in the press conferences. According to the corpus-based move analysis, the frequency findings revealed 11 moves and their respective 32 steps. The study also established the move sequence prototypes for each stage comprising an opening stage, opening remarks, stage engagement, and closure. These results could be implemented for assisting learners in public speaking or English for business courses.

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How to Cite
Laosrirattanachai, P., & Laosrirattanachai, P. (2023). Analysis of Vocabulary Use and Move Structures of the World Health Organization Emergencies Press Conferences on Coronavirus Disease: A Corpus-Based Investigation. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(1), 121–146. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Piyapong Laosrirattanachai, Faculty of Hospitality Industry, Kasetsart University

An Assistant Professor of English at Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. His interests include teaching and learning vocabulary, word list creation, corpus linguistics, and genre and move analysis.

Piyanuch Laosrirattanachai, Faculty of Hospitality Industry, Kasetsart University

An English lecturer at Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Her research interest includes sociolinguistics, word list, and multi-word units in specialised fields.


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