Challenges of Lecturers in Material Selection to Foster EFL University Students' Self-Regulation

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Saber Alavi


This study investigates EFL university lecturers' challenges when selecting resources to facilitate students' self-regulation. Using a mixed-method design with 89 participants from Thai universities in this research sheds light on lecturers' difficulties, such as time constraints and limited access to reliable resources. It underscores the importance of considering diverse perspectives and practical strategies, such as adapting existing materials and involving students in the selection process. Furthermore, it highlights the direct impact of material choices on students' self-regulation outcomes. The study provides strategies to enhance self-regulation among EFL university students and suggests improvements for resource selection procedures. Despite its limitations, this research contributes valuable insights and pedagogical recommendations. Future avenues of study may explore the influence of digital learning resources, teacher-student collaboration in material selection, and cross-cultural perspectives on self-regulation and material choice.

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How to Cite
Alavi, S. (2024). Challenges of Lecturers in Material Selection to Foster EFL University Students’ Self-Regulation. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 17(1), 514–537. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Saber Alavi, TESOL Department, International College, Payap University

A full-time lecturer and an accomplished researcher and PhD graduate with a deep-seated passion for the field of TESOL, TEFL, and EFL. Having completed his master’s degree dissertation on L2 speaking in conjunction with TBLT, He conducted his PhD study on Task Complexity and Corrective Feedbacks on L2 speaking.


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